7 Video Interviewing Tips

In my last post on video interviewing for your customer reviews, I ended with a tip about letting your camera roll while the customer gets comfortable. Here are 5 more tips to the interview process:

When Interviewing

  • 1. As the camera is being set up, let them know you would like additional feedback about the interviewing process and the business after the interview questions are completed. This makes your customer feel super important. They see that you care about their opinion, and you care about bettering your business. Planting the feedback idea ahead of time will give them a chance to really think about the whole business while you ask the interview questions.


  • 2. Make a list of questions ahead of time. Open ended questions – More thoughtful responses – creates conversation and starts with who, what, where, why, how. Closed end question starts with could, would, are, and do you think, which usually lead to short answers.


  • 3. Use key words in your questions that inform the viewer about your services. For example, “What was your favorite part of the Swedish Massage you had with Cameron?” “Why do you choose The Cool Spa for your facials?” When you post the video, transcribe the video questions and answers to words that can be picked up by Google. The key word rich content can help your search rankings.


  • 4. While the camera starts rolling, give the customer the list of questions that you will be asking. Sometimes during this listing of the questions, you will get the most honest and off the cuff answers. Then go through the Q and A process a couple of times to get the best and most relaxed response for the final review.


  • 5. If you have a physical product available, use it as a prop. This is great advertisement. The prop may also elicit more descriptive answers. Use everything you can to bring the customer back to that positive experience.


  • 6. Getting copious filming time and editing later will help you get the best out of the interview. There are different editing software programs to use, or you can get help from a professional. Ask ahead of time if they can take your interview and edit it, or if they require to do the filming themselves.


  • 7. Ask for testimonial before project or sale is complete. “I appreciate feedback from great customers, so after you try out the product, would you be willing to give a review on it?” This gives the customer a feeling of importance, and while they are using the product, they will be thinking of the company they bought it from. The customer is prepped for the review and sees that you care about how well your product performs.

Interview ON!


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